
I cannot express enough the amount of relief our entire family and care givers felt once our two boys were celebrated for the amazing beings that they are. GHA faculty were not only able to keep them regulated enough to attend a full day, but the boys also came home...


GHA immediately embraced our son with open arms and love and support. We’ve seen him flourish at the school as they support his unique needs with a combination of patience and kindness.


As a parent of a neurodivergent child, I cannot emphasize enough how much it means to find the right environment that supports and nurtures my son’s unique needs. My son, is 8 years old and, like many other children, his educational journey has been both...


We were lucky to find GHA and have seen incredible changes in our daughter from her behavioral regulation to her access to learning to her actual joy of going to school! This story is a common theme with other children and families attending GHA.


GHA has been a lifeline for Evie and our family. Their tailored curriculum, compassionate staff, and inclusive learning environment have not only helped Evie excel academically, but they have also given her a place where she feels understood, valued, and...